
Replacing Lost Teeth in Your Smile With Quality Dentures Can Improve Your Quality of Life

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Losing one or more teeth can have serious consequences on your quality of life if you can’t chew your food, leading to poor nutrition, altering your ability to speak properly, and affecting your facial profile.

There are multiple factors that can lead to tooth loss:

-Poor oral hygiene causing cavities to develop, periodontal disease and loss of supportive bone material
-Irregular or infrequent dental visits, allowing tooth decay and gum disease to prosper
-Not getting your decaying teeth filled
-Poor nutrition from too much sugar, carbohydrates and acids and not enough essential minerals like calcium
-Trauma or injury to a tooth, causing it to fall out
-Wear and tear on the teeth from grinding (bruxism), leading to supportive bone loss
-Not replacing lost teeth, leading to bone loss and gum disease
-Not fixing bite problems (malocclusion)
-Smoking and drinking alcohol, causing gum disease
-Complications from diabetes (unchecked plaque and gum disease that takes longer to heal)

If you have one or more missing teeth in your smile, we highly recommend replacing them to keep the surrounding teeth healthy and your mouth functioning properly. We offer dentures for those seeking to maintain their quality of life and their smile’s look, feel and function. Dentures will allow you to eat healthy foods again, preserve your essential bone density, gums and facial appearance.

If you would like to learn more, we invite you to reach out to our denture team at today. Your smile is important to us, and we are proud to provide you with the high-quality prosthodontic options your smile deserves. We look forward to hearing from you!