You have either developed a communication between your maxillary sinus and your tooth socket, or you are at a high risk of developing one. We want to be certain that your tissues heal completely, and this does not become permanent. While we often use Platelet Rich Fibrin to close these it is imperative you do all you can to prevent it from mechanically opening again.
What To Avoid:
For this reason, we are recommending:
- Do not smoke. Any smoking dramatically reduces wound healing, and will make the healing process extremely difficult.
- Avoid blowing your nose during the next four weeks, and avoid any activity that increases pressure in your sinuses, such as exercise, bending over, straining, or sneezing. If you have to sneeze, do so with your mouth open to decrease the pressure in your sinus. It is also important to avoid sucking on a straw.
- If your nose becomes stuffy, you may use saline nasal spray twice a day for the next two weeks. This may be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.
- Be sure to take the antibiotics prescribed until they are gone, typically a 7 to 10 days supply.
- We strongly recommend an antihistamine and decongestant for at least the next two weeks to reduce sinus congestion. A non-drowsy variety is recommended. These medications may be purchased at your pharmacy without a prescription.
- Do not rinse your mouth too aggressively during these next two weeks, rinse GENTLY. Vigorous rinsing can force salt water into the extraction socket, resulting in a burning sensation in your sinus cavity and fluid dripping out your nose.
- You can expect that there will be some bleeding from your nose as well as from your mouth (extraction socket) for the next week. It is also possible that between the first and second week after surgery, you may get a brief period of bleeding from your nose. This should take care of itself and clot with no additional treatment. Rest, elevate your head, and place a gauze drip pad under your nose.
- If you continue to get a feeling of “water getting into your nose” when you take a drink during the next few weeks, please call our office.
Printable Information
Sinus Precautions